Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year, New You

The New Year offers the promise of a new start, a blank slate, and a fresh hope that MAYBE we'll "get it right" this year. Since 99% of us will abandon those resolutions before Valentine's Day, perhaps your strategy for self-improvement could stand a new approach.

The Feldenkrais Method® offers a counter-intuitive approach to self-improvement. It is in accord with an old proverb that says, "Only when I accept myself completely as I am, am I completely free to change."

Self-acceptance is not rationalization, where you lie to yourself that your behavior is OK. Self-acceptance is the willingness to look at the truth and acknowledge it. It takes ongoing self-awareness to notice when the time is ripe for positive change, and when the way is blocked. Your Feldenkrais classes can be the foundation for new self-awareness, from the inside out. Feldenkrais classes "upgrade" the connection and communication between your brain and your body, using movement -- the native language of your entire nervous system.

You'll be amazed at what can change.

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