Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness

b.Image by [Adam_Baker] via Flickr

Thanks to Melissa G. for bringing this recent post from a blog on the Psychology Today" site.
The Neuroscience of Mindfulness by David Rock.

As a person who was interested in mindfulness and meditation for years, but failed miserably in each attempt, I was very grateful to "stumble into" the Feldenkrais Method. As Dr. Rock's article states,

"The key to practicing mindfulness is just to practice focusing your attention onto a direct sense, and to do so often. It helps to use a rich stream of data."

The longer I practice the Feldenkrais Method, the more appreciative I am of the value of my senses and the information I process through my own body and perceived experience. That starting point -- what's happening here, and now -- is the best first step on whatever journey you're on.

Learn more about the Feldenkrais Method here.

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